Are you the lucky one?
I am hereeee!
Sorry if I kept you waiting for the announcement.
I promised to post yesterday,
but, a sick husband couldn't be left alone,
and gave me a handful situation.
*you can imagine*
back to business.
First, I wrote all your names at each comment
(picture above)
and first thing is,
One lucky winner pop down from 41 people
She is....
Congratz, Vinna!!
You get this amazing magazine!
*Rubbing two hands*
We move to the
Again, with heart beating faster,
I saw one lucky reader rolling down
from 51 who left comments
She is Kuwaci Kecil.....or
Ria Papermoon!
Lucky same name, perhaps?
You will found this
in your front door soon enough, dear!
Don't cry just yet!
*trembling hands*
Still two giveaways, and it's even more stuff!
Hello lucky 3
from 56 people!
*Jumping up and down*
Congraaatzz to you,
Honey Sweety
*big hugssss
Three of you will get one of my bag
either beautiful/happy/laugh.
Hope you bring it with joy!
I am quite tired.
Writing all your name...*kidding*
One more, I know, one more.....
The biggest giveaway with 8 stuff..
my decor owl for 8 lucky readers,
among 60 others + 6 who came late
(sorry, I cannot include your names...)
Hope one of these papers have your name in it.
Congratz to Phon22000, Middy Stephanie,
Paskah Widarani and Henny Tanuwijaya
And to Chesiria Tattia, Hannyjaya,
Jjz and Fetty.....
Each of you will adopt one of this owl!
If you happen to adopted one already,
kindly let me know by email which one
you already had so I am not sending you
the same kind.
*cry with joy*
That's it, lovely readers....
Congratz to all winners...
if you read this post before I email you,
kindly send me your address
and I'll send the gift right away.
the celebration had been amazing for me.
So many wishes to keep me continue this blog,
from old friends together with many new ones.
Thank you for coming and play along!
While I cannot thank each of you here,
I kept your blogs already
and I promise to visit once in a while.
Thank you for the love and friendship.
Sending you all more love today.
For many of you who are new here,
I inform you that I have counters at:
TGA Senci and Citos(in front of Times), Jakarta
and Istana Plaza LG and Gunung Agung BIP, Bandung
where you can find the owl decors and owl bags
while stocks left!
Thank you! menang, tapi aku bener2 berdebar2..hahah..congratulation winners! :)
Posted by
rika daniel |
August 1, 2011 at 2:05 AM
yeayyy...i'm the lucky one
finally,got 1 owl from 8owl (big big smile)
vonni (
Posted by
Anonymous |
August 1, 2011 at 2:21 AM
ci ria...
saking seneng'nya sampai lupa tulis alamat
Jl Siwalakerto 8/AA-1
Posted by
Anonymous |
August 1, 2011 at 2:29 AM
ka' ria kalo giveaway kayak gitu pilih pemenangnya dari followers yah? *excited*
Posted by
Dwi Putri Nursetyaningsih |
August 1, 2011 at 2:39 AM
congratz for all the winner :)
Posted by
sumomo chan |
August 1, 2011 at 4:46 AM
selamat buat semuaaa yang menang. hihihi
aku juga dpt owl loh sis vonni :)
yang belum dpt, harus ikutan lagi ya :D kan kertasnya muter2. hehehe.
Posted by
widarani |
August 1, 2011 at 5:36 AM
ka riaaaaa,
smpe dag dig dug baca dari atas! aplg pas terima email!
giveaway 1: nth, *a tiny sigh*
giveaway 2: nth, *pout* (i so want this one)
giveaway 3: tears welled
giveaway 4: *my heart sunk*
I LOVE ur blog, will always do!
im suggesting this blog to any scrapbook lovers!
til' the next giveway? *grin*
jesslyn (a.k.a ria nirwana's huge fan)
Posted by
Anonymous |
August 1, 2011 at 6:31 AM
Congrats for all the winners :)
Posted by
emping |
August 1, 2011 at 7:37 AM
Congrats for the winners ..^^
Posted by
Suriana Ju |
August 1, 2011 at 8:51 AM
yaaah ga menang, mesti ke bip deh besok...
Posted by
Ikmalia Anindita |
August 1, 2011 at 8:51 AM
Congratz for the winnnerr... You ae so lucky.. ^^
Posted by
Levana Xu |
August 1, 2011 at 9:08 AM
ina itu ina??? seriously...ina nih...*pingsan. (eh tapi itu beneran ina bukan?
Posted by
ina |
August 1, 2011 at 5:21 PM
ini bener bener keberuntungan nama samaa!! hihihi!! trimakasih mbakcantiiik!!! :* cupsmuaahh!!
Posted by
kuwacikecil |
August 1, 2011 at 5:49 PM
Thank you! Thank you! You make my day! Untung gak patah semangat scrolling down, ternyata namaku paling akhir :)
Posted by
Fetty |
August 1, 2011 at 10:43 PM
apakah itu saya,
Posted by
Dita |
August 2, 2011 at 6:03 PM
aaaawww congraatss for all the winners !! eventhou i didnt win but i still love u mbak riaaa !! keep on inspiring others ! ;))
Posted by
Gebby |
August 4, 2011 at 7:43 AM
thanks mbak tas nya udah sampai, seneng deh
Posted by
Dita |
August 7, 2011 at 12:07 AM