2010 - New Year Resolution page

Reading that line, written by one of my idol artist, Rebecca Sower, almost made me cry. She couldn't be more true. And I feel exactly like the way she said now. I can feel it when I am making art or just making stuff. Making stuff is fine, but somehow, it's just the stuff that others expected me to create. And in the end, it only payed off with the amount I received, not by the satisfaction in my heart. And that, when the anxiety begin.
So, here I am, at the beginning of the road of 'becoming an artist' once again. Really try to stay true to the desire in my heart. As for me, becoming an artist means : becoming a story teller of your life, becoming a true voice, and becoming an opener of doors.....
You can check on my 2007 New Year Resolution here , 2008 here and 2009 here. (May be just to make sure whether I successfully fulfilled all of them or not...... *wink*)
Hope you made yours too, and keep it.
Don't be afraid to follow your heart and dreams!!...You're a very very talented person..Believe me!!!! (ur no. 1 fans =DD)
Posted by
December 28, 2009 at 5:49 PM
This is your #1,5 fans :D... I do agree with Alice..
Posted by
Arumdati Wardhani |
December 29, 2009 at 4:22 AM