Warung 'Mari Sini' ('Mari Sini' food stall)
Where did the time fly?
It's been two crazy weeks after new year
and here I am tonight,
just have a spare time (and energy) again
to make some new post.
One of the reason for the craziness
is this 'warung' or food stall
called Mari Sini(or in English, Please come!)
owned by my best friend, Muljadi & Marisa,
who also owned Sagoo restaurant.
The deadline for them to open was supposed
to be before new year.
But many delays from the mall,
we just be able to finish this 'warung'
on Jan 11, two days after me and my team
back from Semarang for 3 days.
Talking about full-packed schedule, eh?
In Indonesia, many small food stall like this
which called 'warung' is very common,
but not in the mall.
They usually made restaurants and food court
in the mall for better capacity,
but this small food stall offering
many variety of snacks and yummy fried small dish
with reasonable price to chew on.
Enjoy the ambience!
Enjoy some jokes signs!
Enjoy the oldies snacks
that bring back many sweet childhood memories!
We certainly enjoyed ourself
after the work all done beautifully.
With all those yummy tester food
that flowing endlessly from the kitchen,
oh, my.
Don't forget to try for yourself,
the 'Tahu Gondrong Cocol' and
'Es serut mangga', or you will be so so sorry.
This is a serious warning.
Me with Marisa, the 'warung' owner.
Spend a whole day with my best old friend,
working, chatting, eating, giggling,
eating again,
is always the best kind of day.
From there,
we go straight to Kelapa Gading,
to refresh some decoration for
before the Chinese New Year come.
Crazy days.
eh mbak ria aku liat warung ini di lippo karawaci, gokil abis, suka deh ama ide nya, bawa warung ke mall :)
Posted by
Aphrodita Wibowo |
January 30, 2011 at 8:52 PM
Salut..ide warungnya. kemarin saya sekeluarga kebingungan nyari makan dilippo karawaci. sampai kami melihat "warung Mari Sini" terjepit disela2 kemoderanan. Mata saya dan istri tidak berhenti menjelajah tiap sudut warung, luar biasa.. suasana dan makanannya TOP BGT.!! warungnya mengingatkan kenangan masa kecil kami berdua.
Posted by
Anonymous |
February 11, 2011 at 5:30 AM