The Chocolate plus plus - classroom - 24/04/10
This time, my beginner class for scrapbookerswas take place last Saturdaywhen I was in the middle of Inacraft exhibition.In the chaotic time of packingand preparing everything,plus sleep deprived for sure,I really crossed my fingerand hoped this class could run well.

The class was so full
with two of them who couldn't join us
from Bandung and will pick
another day, and Agnes,
who also from Bandung,
came very late but
still able to made a page.

Then, we all found out that
half of this class were happen
to be 'virgin' in scrapbooking!
(including two of my dear cousins
who finally could make it to my class
after all these times hearing about it,
thank you Ci Junih & Tingnih!)
But they love it.
And I love that they love it.

We had to set another big table
at the back for some of them.

I was explaining how to use Stazon,
which later become favorite thing
for some of them
who used it for the first time.
(Oh, yeah, I HEART Stazon too till now!)

Thank God they all were enjoying
the class, the food, and the result,
three pages of 12x12 layouts
with chocolate colors
of course.....
Here they were in action :

And something made me
very happy that day.
I met some of my blog reader,
who knew my work only from the blog
and decided to join the class,
so we finally could meet face to face!
You should go to their blog to admire
Riana's cake and Ami's writing too,
just like I did all these time.

All and all,
I was really glad this class
was giving birth to many new scrappers
who will fall in love with this thing
that filled my blood each day.
I will post the three finished layouts
of 'chocolate plus plus'
See you again soon, scrappers!
Looks like it was a great class. Everyone seems to be so into what they are doing. You are a good teacher.:)
Posted by
GlorV1 |
April 27, 2010 at 9:59 AM
i really enjoyed that time, master..u are a great teacher!
Posted by
Ami |
April 27, 2010 at 3:34 PM