One thing that scares me in : MARCH
Oh, no...
This album is not what scared me off.
This is the result of something else
that scared me.
This is a happy ending.
However, a happy ending is likely begin
with sad story.
This is my sad story.
I am scared to use my own
too pretty papers,
too cute stickers,
too nice embellishment.
I am scared that if I use them all,
I will not find something
as pretty,
as cute,
and as nice,
as those again.
You might laughing at this point,
but I think many scrapbookers
will relate to this
sweet sour dilemma.
(oh, yes, I knew.)
But then,
I stuck with these...
(Oh, I am sure
these were very 'hot' to me
five years ago when I bought them)

While every time I go scrap,
I don't choose them.
I choose these newer things instead...

And yes,
I also don't choose
these papers anymore...

Because I drool over these delicacy...
Ironic, eh?
What you saved for such a long time
What was precious to you before
become more and more set aside
by the newer and hotter stuff.
And I am pretty sure,
if I save these newer
and hotter stuff now,
I will end up with the same situation
five years from now.
And I am thinking,
why should I save these?
For special occasion?
For grand scrapbook project?
For future remarkable album?
My life
right here and now
is a special occasion.
My curent everyday pictures
with the kids
is deserve a grand scrapbook project.
I am sure a remarkable album
is here and now
to make by me,
using all the best papers,
and the best things I can think of.
This is the result
when I am not scared anymore.

If I recall, I saved this album
from Maya Road almost two years now.
Or three? Hh.
(alongside with almost 20 others
mini album that waiting
patiently inside the cupboard.
I use them up, and I am glad.

Here are the inside of the album :

Are you with me?
There will be much more
prettier, nicer, oh-I-must-have-these
papers, flowers (I dream of having
all Prima's flowers, do you? Do you?)
and stickers and ribbons
than what we had now
in that whole cupboard.
I promise.
So, don't scare to use them up.
I am not.
And excuse me,
I will take a break from blogging world
for about a week
to take tons of pictures
of our Easter holiday at Bali.
And I will use one of that
save-the-best-for-last albums
in my cupboard
to scrap that holiday pictures.
Oh, yes, I will.
cici!!!!! kerennnnnnnn!!!!!! suka banget ama album nya =) ckckckckck...dasyat ci ria hehehe.
Posted by
maya |
March 26, 2010 at 7:42 AM
I love it! Good for you for being brave, facing your fears, and making something marvelous out of all that pretty paper!
Posted by
A'n'G Johnson |
March 26, 2010 at 4:39 PM
haha cik ria, samaa, yaya juga paling sayang suruh pake bahan yang mahal2, "eman sorooo" kalo org sby bilang, hahaha.
Posted by
rgozali |
March 26, 2010 at 7:20 PM
mba, totally awsome!..ternyata gak cuman saya tuh yang berpikiran kayak gitu. haa..banyak sekali papers & embellishement yang di beli tapi mau di pake kok sayaaaang banget. I must be brave to use it all now.
Posted by
Dewie Rha |
March 27, 2010 at 2:54 AM
satu kata AWESOME
Posted by
Risma |
March 27, 2010 at 4:03 AM
Well, i think i have to try to be brave. Daripada makin 'out of date' ya... Pake metode Tapir (tanpa pikir), hehehehhe...
Posted by
Arumdati Wardhani |
March 27, 2010 at 5:07 AM
great little book..I am like that with papers and fabric too..have a marvellous holiday in Bali
Posted by
Lorraine |
March 30, 2010 at 6:31 AM
What an amazing album, the colors are stunning!!! Such a talented lady you are!! xo
Posted by
Diana Martin |
April 4, 2010 at 4:07 AM
your album is so prettyyy.... yes a lot of people do that including me... I love to see my collection, touch them and do nothing with them haha...
Posted by
monica |
April 6, 2010 at 12:12 AM
Dear Riaaa...couldnt agree more!! Those cute stuff are like our treasures...soouuu preciousss..Hahaha
Very nice album Ria (as usual =D)
Posted by
April 11, 2010 at 11:00 PM
that was the great one...
the outside n the inside...
what a beautiful things..
Posted by
Ghost_Maen |
August 16, 2011 at 8:41 PM