Shooting for Sindo Television
Not in my wildest dreams
that someday I will land myself in television.
But scrapbooking seems to lead my path
far more than I ever imagine,
so here I am.
SindoTV wanted to cover my studio at home
and interview me about scrapbooking
as my life style
for their weekend program :
Rehat Siang Weekend
As you can tell,
I had a blast time.
Thank you mba Diana as producer for being
so professional and kind,
Citra and Alycia for hosting the show
in such funny and interesting way
that made me relax and enjoy myself.
And to all the crew that came to my home,
much thank you for you all.
The schedule for the show
will be on weekend Sept 22, 2012
on 12.00 - 12.30
Let's watch!