Our Journey - The travel+origami album
The second group of this class
already brought home
the album happily today
so I can posting the complete album
that I personally had very much fun
in the process of making and sharing it.
First of all....
To answer the questions
that may confused
some of the scrappers
in my classes or out,
I am not afraid to use ribbons, fabric,
clothes, yarns, twills, brochures,
and other ephemera that I much love
which I didn't get
at any scrapbook store.
While I have no written evidence that
those kind of things
are acid free or not,
I am not afraid,
since I knew HOW
to make them become acid free
and I shared the secret
in my classes to you all.
When I owned a scrapbook store
sometimes ago in the past,
the arrays of acid free pre-made
products are the only things
that I was offering to the scrappers,
because I was bound to sell
the products fast.
Later in my life,
I found that those bounds
was killing me softly
(yes, like the song)
so, I said to myself,
I am NOT going to limit
my brain and my life
to use only pre-made products
without thinking outside the box.
When I can successfully make a leap
in my brain like now,
I encourage all the scrappers
to think beyond the products too.
They certainly make our life
easier and prettier,
but if we can't have them all,
our stories and projects
will still be
important, amazing and long lasting.
Here is the album of
combining scrapbooking and origami,
which have four double pages
fulled with surprises
and pop up in every corner.
Are you ready?
You will find the hidden tabs
to store more of your pics,
or you can use it for some
hidden journaling if there is any.

You will find a stitch pocket
to store all your picked up brochure,
That's not all.
Open page three and you can find
this harmonica tabs to be filled
with more photos and journaling
on both sides.
Page four will make you
instantly wanna touch the
Hope you enjoy the tour inside.
A little note of the trips,
I chose four trips to the same place,
with all different angles of places
and different groups
of friends and family.
Singapore always has a special spot
in my heart for traveling,
since I first fall in love with
the scrapbook stores and classes there.
Thank you for being here today.
DO come back tomorrow,
cause I will surprise you with the
FIRST GIVE AWAY of the blog-verssary of mine!
See you soon!
suka suka suka...
blom ngerti banget ttg scrapbooking, tapi serius mbak, dirimu benar-benar membuka mata lebih lebuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr....*tak terbayangkan betapa belo'nya mata ina sekarang kan...huahahahaha*
Posted by
ina |
June 7, 2010 at 4:09 PM
Love this so so much ci!! very very pretty... too bad i missed the class.. hiks...
Posted by
Unknown |
June 8, 2010 at 12:38 AM
keren abis deh albumnya.....
Posted by
joVita m. |
June 9, 2010 at 5:35 AM
oh you broke my heart. because singapore was also the one i would bring up if only i had the schedule agree on me to attend this class. it's the place i fell in love with, felt like home with,..
oh, painful, painful..
Posted by
Riana Ambarsari |
June 9, 2010 at 8:10 AM