Eat and eat
This is definetely not the 'paper world' that I talk about to be escape to, but this is sure something that I always enjoy and love to do...Decorating....yeah...but now, it's not decorating a house like I usually do for my husband's work at Surabaya, or a restaurant like we did with my friend's Sagoo Kitchen last month...but this is a Food Court! It's called EAT & EAT.

This food court is located at Mall Kelapa Gading 5, Jakarta. You can reach it if you go through the MKG 3 food court (they are connected). Or go straight up from the MKG 5 parking lot.

Let's eat and eat, shall we?
OMG! It was you Kak Ria, who do the interior?? *standing applause* keren! :D
Posted by
Peanuts |
June 8, 2010 at 8:03 PM
Ria Nirwana,
kamu terbuat dari apa siiiiihhh...
diana rahmat
Posted by
Anonymous |
June 24, 2010 at 10:30 PM
keren mbak Ria,......congratz....
teky priyanto
Posted by
Ayonimbrung |
January 13, 2011 at 1:41 AM