Independence Day Celebration
We celebrated Independence Day at Adam's School - Cahaya Bangsa Clasical School - before we have long weekend holiday. The celebration was only for Preschool and Kindergarten students, so looking from this point of view, we only have this year and next year chance to have hilarious fun running with spoon and marble without getting laughed at, or catching fish with bare hand and be proud. Yes, it was only little fishes...but it brought so much fun!
Did I mentioned long weekend holiday?
When I got rejuvenated and succesfully finished my family Bali Holiday layouts into scrapbooks album (phew!), my husband secretly did these two pages digital scrapbook of the Independence Day event. He called me when it finished, and I got OOOOOOhhhh... it's cool,baby....
Sweet, right?
Long weekend indeed have more than one advantages....