Week in the Life 2011 - The Finished Album
What you do makes a difference.
So think carefully
what kind of difference
you want to make.
My Week in the Life 2011's album
finally finished.
*waving both hands*
It seems not long ago when
I prepared it here.
When it's actually 2 months ago.
I used an 8R size picture of the day
for the opening of every day.
And the format for all
seven days' opening pages are the same.
The name of the day using black chipboard,
'remember this' 7 gypsies red tag,
the date at the bottom corner,
and the number of the day at the top corner.
It's simple.
And I love it.
Here is Day One :
As I planned,
the colors I used in this album
was kept to minimum.
Many pictures can be converted to BW easily,
while some seem have to remain with colors
to get the feel of the room,
or the activity,
or of course, the memories.
My trick was to frame the photos
and all the ephemera at the sleeves
using simple basic triangle framing.
Here you can see my left page
is framed with the red color.
Try to look the same technique
at my other pages, will you?
Here is Day Two :
Here is Day Three :
Yes, here is the same technique,
at my right page,
using the turquoise color.
Here is Day Four :
Here is Day Five :
Here is Day Six :
And here is Day Seven,
the last day :
That's all!
*sounds easy.LOL*
Using this kind of sleeves' album
is really really gave me a tremendous help
to finish the album quickly
by slip all the photos without gluing too much.
I can add more memories to it,
tickets, drawing, school newsletters,
tags, bills, recipes, love letter from the kids,
even shopping bags (yes, cool one only)
that really coming from our life
right here and now.
Again, thanks Ali for the inspiration!
My fourth Week in the Life album
will be joining the others on the shelves.
Happily and proudly.
Happily and proudly.
Such life's treasure.
Oh Ria! Your albim is fabulous! Congratulations on doing 4 weeks in your life. Such porecious memories:)
Posted by
Linda |
September 2, 2011 at 3:40 AM
hua~~~ gak isa ngelike di blog><
but i do like this one :) in fact love it ci :D
got some inspirations from it :) hope you don't mind me borrowing it :D
keep inspiring ci :)
Posted by
sumomo chan |
September 2, 2011 at 3:53 AM
I LOVE how your album turned out, Ria! You put a lot of heart and thought into it and it shows in your layouts. Beautiful! PS-Thanks for stopping by my album this week!
Posted by
Unknown |
September 2, 2011 at 6:51 AM
cici, this is a wonderful album for a precious memories ...^_^..
Posted by
Suriana Ju |
September 2, 2011 at 7:16 AM
Riaaaa, ci riaaaa... you are really inspiring! I do do do do do love your album , simply, and full of precious memory inside. your family so lucky having smart mother like you..
Posted by
Levana Xu |
September 2, 2011 at 9:50 AM
This is beautiful. I love your layouts on the main/first page of each day. It turned out wonderful!
Posted by
Kimberly |
September 2, 2011 at 2:37 PM
Ohmy...Wonderful Album c Ria!!!!
*ternganga.....terbelalak.....hampir gak bisa ngomong...saking terkagum-kagumnya....it's really isnpiring :)
Posted by
Moccavanila by Vera Rhuhay |
September 2, 2011 at 5:32 PM
You are my truly artist..keep inspiring and shining honey!! This album is yes much simpler but it's surely rich and beautiful indeed...good job Riii!!
Posted by
September 3, 2011 at 7:27 PM
Ria...I do love what you've done...let be my inspiring person...bighug!!
Posted by
Ami |
September 4, 2011 at 12:59 PM
lagi liat albummu iniii..lalu terpanaaa..huwaaaa ada resi TIKI dengan alamat ina yaaa..merinding aaah...love you mbak riaaaaaaaa.....
Posted by
ina |
October 3, 2013 at 7:45 PM