Week in the Life 2011 - Day 6 and 7
For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends
-Ralph W.Emerson-
This was how I left my kitchen
on the morning of Day 6 before I went to Jkt
to teach a scrapbook class.
She was in charge.
The morning class was fully loaded.
Even plus one, mba Dwita from Cirebon
who unintentionally came to the store and join!
Love to have you, mba!
As usual, not much time to rest
before second batch of scrappers coming in,
Thanks Mita was there so she could buy
a nice lunch for us all.
I literally run to Starbuck downstairs
to grab my secret weapon.
and the second class begin
Arrived at Bandung at 11 pm,
just in time to tuck these precious in
I wake up the next morning,
to the last day of the week in the life project.
Is it almost over already?
All I can say is
I had such a lovely Sunday.
Am looking forward for weeks ahead
when I will put all these memories together
in the album.
Hope your album will be completed soon too!
jiahhhh, komenku ilang T.Y" test test
Posted by
widarani |
August 3, 2011 at 9:43 AM
oke, tadi lupa masukin word verification and i lost all my words. doenggg.
mauuu minta resep browniesnya pliss :P
bikin sama nadea y ci ri?
anwy, whats your secret weapon ya? lols
aku paling suka foto buah-buahan di groceries storeny, foto mb dwita ama temenny. u mean a lot loh for her, ampe dibelain dr cirebooonnn >,<
Posted by
widarani |
August 3, 2011 at 9:46 AM
ci ci, mau nanya ya. itu belanja di care4 kayaknya kan yah. nah itu pake fabric reuse bag, nah trus di rumah plastik sampahnya gimana ci? bingung T.T" kalo beli lagi rubbish plastic bagnya, itu malah bener2 unfriendly sama lingkungan.. which is kan thicker drpd plastic bag-nya care4 T.T
penting ga penting ya pertanyaankuu.. :P
Posted by
widarani |
August 3, 2011 at 9:48 AM