Our Journey classroom - travel +origami album - group 1
Oh, today's class was so much fun!
Look at these funny pic. LOL.
And the second time,
when we are pretending
not to look at the camera.
Just think of the speech balloon
the night before at about 11 p.m.
I thought I will be fun to write down
everybody's favorite destination,
since today's class is about traveling.
Really funny.
And I was honored to have
Irianti Erningpraja,
one of Indonesian famous singer,
attended my class for the first time.
She is so humble and kind.
Here, Imelda sat next to her.
I was having these FOUR pregnant ladies
attended my class!
So basically, I had 19 students
instead of 15! LOL.
So happy to see you amazing mommies
were looking exactly like Marina's table.
She lose her kits more than once.

At Colette's table :

And the best dress's girl was Marlin!
Who came with her 'huge' turquoise
suitcase. Too bad my hubby who took
this picture at the end of the class
didn't think that the suitcase is 'that
Oh, and speaking about the album....
Since there will be group 2
for this class on June 5th,
I think it only be fair to them
if I post the whole album
after that class is over.
Today is also Day One for
our Week in the Life's project.
I am still uploading the photos for the day.
Will be posting again later today.