My happy place used to be inside my mind. I can go inside that happy place whenever I want, even only about ten minutes to write some journal of the day, or to paint for three hours straight (if the kids were not stumbled upon my paint and brushes that I put on our living room floor.)Now, my happy place have a form of a room.
My studio. My sanctuary.
A real place where I can put all my 'make happy' things, from functional stocks of papers and embellishment, pure decoration things that make me smile which I collected over the years, and things that can trigger inspirational thoughts.
You want to see it all, don't you?
Let's begin from my table.
A stock of pens, pencils, markers, gel-pens that a girl must have.
My daily journal sits here for awhile after being taken pictured to be published few days ago. And a bucket of papers behind it is my throw-in-here papers and ephemera that I find daily, brochure from stores or from a journey, tickets, postcards, letters, 'anything good to keep' things (in my point of view, of course), so I easily dig in the bucket when I need those things.
To the corner of my table, I can find this.....
And to the other corner behind my table, I have this one. A functional corner where I can wash my brushes, paint and hands immediately.
with the functional buckets (not to mention cute.....oh, I love this once I saw it at IKEA) to store all my painting-related-things.
Move to the side of of my white rack where I can display things.
Zoom in to these two shelves you can see just how many photos that I already printed out and ready to scrap. Yeah, they are hugely a lot, I know. But as a non-truster-of-hard-disc-that-can-get-crashed-anytime, I think I am safe with these (for awhile).
On the upper shelf are all the mini albums that I made so far......
and the jars of happiness buttons (oh, that's just the way I call them, because I think they are certainly happy to be put together in one place after such a long time)
The next is my other white rack, this one filled with boxes which are filled with things too.
Told you before that I love nonfunctional things which to make me smile are their only job to do.

Back to the functional on the upper of my wooden cupboard, I store my scrapbooking papers......
And inside the cupboard......(you really want to see?)
I know I will never get it tidy and perfectly in order, so here they are just the way it is now and will be.
My stocks of embellishment and mini albums...and things.....

albums....and more things......
fabrics.....and still more things.......
Now, close down all the cupboard doors....I think I really want to show you this.....this portable drawers that I found in a hardware store, which, I know, used by hair-dressers, but I believe will be functional for a scrapbooker too. Don't believe me? Come and see it for yourself! ( I love the fact that I can drag it near my table when I am scrapping and put it away after I finished. Simply fabulous.)
Inside the drawers are these.....first....I put together all my borders or long form left over scrap...
second drawer.....stamps and inks......
third drawer....left over tiny scraps papers or any tiny things.....
fourth drawer.....strings, embroidery floss, threads....
fifth drawer.....metal things : brads, eyelets, spare blades, or other metal embellishment...
sixth drawer ......clear stamps....(which clearly will not be enough in here anymore later)....
seventh and eights drawer......ribbons and fibers....lots of them....
That's all what inside eight drawers.....You still will find this nonfunctional-but-I-can't-resist things like this at my corner.....
Well. That's really all.
Today, when I sit in this studio writing for this post, I wonder what will be the differences between having a studio in my mind, and in this room.
Do I need a studio to be more creative?
Do I need a studio to be more productive?
Or do I need a studio to become an artist?
I hear my heart whispers, "No."
And I could not agree more.
I need this studio to store all my supplies so my family will not feel like their live inside a scrap room all the time(Yes, my old living room already transformed into half scrap room with all my things...).
I need this studio to display that supplies, because when I see those items often enough, I will use them. Believe me, it's true.
I need a room with a door that I can shut if I want to be 100% entangled with my art, or if I have to leave it as it is and need no one touch it until I get back again.
That. That is what a studio for me is for.
When the more creative, more productive issues are always depend on what happened inside the studio in my mind.
Oh, how grateful I am for such a happy place.
Inside my mind and here.
I'll make my first art in here later today. Good day to you all, my friends....and again....nice to have you all here with me.....
Thanks for visiting!
what can i say ? ur a lucky girl :)
Posted by
patricekur |
December 27, 2009 at 4:09 PM
lucunya mba riaaaa.....
huhuhu...aku juga mau yang kayak giniii....
btw mbaaa...cari tali kulit dimana yaa?
di jakarta susah bener dapetnyaaa...hiksss
sama tacky glueee.....
Posted by
TheRaLeA |
December 27, 2009 at 8:50 PM
speechless... for this time my dreams come true thru yours..:D, I love the idea of hair-dressers' drawer.. good idea for the small room..
Posted by
Arumdati Wardhani |
December 29, 2009 at 4:33 AM
You just gave me a new goal in life. Ah, to have a space like that...
Posted by
Cassy |
December 30, 2009 at 9:01 PM
truly..I'm happy for you..happy for everything you got.. What a luckiest girl in the world..!
and these pictures just keep my heart n mind wandering..when will I get my truly scrap room too? hahaha
can't wait to see it more clearly...
Happy New Year 2010..!
Posted by
isur |
December 30, 2009 at 11:48 PM
wah, sesak napas aku ngeliatnya, keren! :D
Posted by
Eugenia Gina |
January 3, 2010 at 6:10 AM
aduh Mbak...ini yang aku pengen...punya sebuah tempat 'semedi' yang asiikkk...ngiri banget aku...
Posted by
Imelda Fransiska |
January 8, 2010 at 6:41 AM
Coooool :) Many good stuff here and there.
Posted by
LiNa |
January 11, 2010 at 1:06 AM
I wish.. someday..can be as lucky as you..what a beautiful's a Heaven!! *0*
Posted by
January 11, 2010 at 6:41 PM
LOVEEE the scraproom.... cik ria, you are very talented woman....VERY VERY Creative... :p
Posted by
rgozali |
January 17, 2010 at 9:05 PM
I think I need you to get on a plane and come out here to Arizona to organize my 'studio' and then down to our cafe to jazz it up.
xox Rella
Posted by
Rella |
January 29, 2010 at 9:19 AM
Oh my GOSH!!! This is absolutely and unbelievably inspiring and beautiful!! What a space!!!!!
Posted by
Deedra |
February 9, 2010 at 5:03 PM
I now have a serious case of studio-envy!! I love your work space, it's so airy and spacious and *neat*...
Posted by
Holly |
February 12, 2010 at 9:12 AM
gosh! simply adored the room, now i want one :)
Posted by
liasutra |
March 8, 2010 at 12:39 AM
if i had a chance to enter the studio, i think i'd die of excitement!
ini pertama kalinya mampir ke blog mba, walaupun udah sering beli barang-barangnya. ga pernah bisa menahan godaan dari kertas2 cantik, pita2an, anik n kancing, bahkan perintilan lucu yg sbenernya fungsinya jg ga jelas apaan..hehe
anyway, great studio, Mba. can't wait to see another great ideas from you ;)
Posted by
Miranti |
April 23, 2010 at 4:18 AM
sama sekali gak ngerti apa itu scrapbook, makanya mampir ke sini pengen cari tau.
Posted by
doyannulis |
May 19, 2010 at 5:59 AM
Hi, salam your blog dari sebuah blog, yang direkomendasi teman. I have been scrapbooking digitally since the past five years...setelah lihat baca-baca blog Ria, jadi terispirasi dan pingin balik lagi ke cara manual. Boleh nggak blog ini aku link di blog-ku? Thanks sebelumnya..
Posted by
Anonymous |
July 5, 2010 at 4:19 AM
this. is. heaven.
Posted by
maelady |
October 22, 2010 at 3:51 PM
halo mba Ria, salam kenal ...really, I wanna be like u !!! Mba Ria, baguuuus bgt ruangan 'create & inspire' nya ...I wish I could have one, mau tanya..apa mba ria buka / ada private lesson utk art nya ? reply to my email ya mbaa...
Posted by
idamuthya |
October 30, 2010 at 9:34 AM
keren banget mbak.. rapi banget... salam kenal dr semarang. moga someday bs ikut kelas scrapbook mb Ria :)
Posted by
Yayan Kris Pasha |
November 12, 2010 at 9:34 PM
hai ria, kebetulan aku suka beli kertas kado & giftbox-mu di counter supermal karawaci. aku suka sekali perabot yg kamu pake, seperti rak abu2 & meja hijau kecil di counter, rak putih & hijau serta semua perabot kayu di studio, & jg sangkar burung putih yg supercute... apa boleh tau beli dimana? thanks b4 yaa..
Posted by
ratna |
November 14, 2010 at 9:08 PM
OMG...aku juga mau nih punya sanctuary place kayak gini..hikss...
Posted by
renaxtya |
January 18, 2011 at 6:40 PM
OMG..aku juga pengen nih punya sanctuary place kayak gini..
Posted by
renaxtya |
January 18, 2011 at 6:41 PM
it's lovely... such an inspiration :)
Posted by
dee |
January 19, 2011 at 7:41 PM
It's a place that still in my dream...hope can make it real as you did.......
Posted by
Anonymous |
March 21, 2011 at 8:39 PM
Keren banget euy.....mau dong inspirasinya...kog bisa yah secreative gitu.....mau dong tips2nya.....luv ya...
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 5, 2011 at 8:09 AM
love your studio...thanks for sharing!
Posted by
Blossom inch |
April 8, 2011 at 12:15 AM
i wish i had a studio like yours, mmm yummmmie
Posted by
nemiammy |
May 27, 2011 at 1:16 AM
wow....wooooow....woooooooow *speechless
Posted by
emping |
July 25, 2011 at 3:22 AM
what an interesting studio!
wants to have a cozy studio like this ..
hopefully can make it happen ..
^ _ ^
Posted by
pangeran gembul |
July 25, 2011 at 8:16 PM
hai mbak..boleh tanya dimana ya beli metal brad dijakarta? thx
Posted by
sybil yossara |
October 25, 2011 at 1:03 AM
ya ampun, aku baru tau klo BagusBagus itu sangaaat erat hubungannya dengan mbak Ria Nirwana, duh, aku ngiri bgt liat ruang kerja yg apik dan ciamik. Dariii duluuu udah suka bgt sm bagus2...
Posted by
Elisabeth Merrylen |
November 19, 2011 at 10:32 AM
Mbak Riaaa... aku baru saja mampir di blogmu dan sukaaa banget sama semuanya, terutama postin ttg studio ini. Wuiii.. kapan2 pengen doong main, siapa tau bisa ketularan ^_^_^_^_^ *salam kenal yaaa*
Posted by
Lala |
July 10, 2012 at 3:43 PM
Pingiiin deh punya ruangan khusus seperti ini. Lovely place to be here :)
Posted by
Christy Designs |
November 26, 2012 at 8:10 PM
You and your work are wonderful -- oh yes, and your studio, as well. Your birds all have the cutest characters. I watch all the birds that visit our large feeding station, and they really seem to speak to me. Many of them resemble your little fellows. Thank you for being so sweet. And maybe I'll get my studio neat and functional one day as well.
Posted by
Lee Vorobyoff |
April 18, 2013 at 9:52 PM