Doilies for the memories.
Since I tried to color doilies
with glimmer mist few months back,
I have dreamed to make layout
using these doilies as borders.
looking at pretty doilies
always bring back some kind of
sweet childhood memories to me.
And when I chose which memories
of my kids now that I most want
to preserve,
I picked up this one particular pic
with no doubt.
First, before I tell you
the stories,
the stories,
you must love this beautiful horsey
as much as I do,
from Webster's transparency.
And you also must love your own
handmade flowers combined with
Prima's flowers that save up
your time good.
They're all pretty, aren't they?
But don't let pretty things
easily fool your eyes
and making you say
that the layout was done good.
I can easily choose the title
for this layout :
" Dream big "
" My sweet children "
" Childhood's dreams "
and called it done.
I chose this title :
Make you kind of wondering,
almost what?
Isn't it?
No layout was done for me
if there is no story or memories
record in it.
And this story is much more
precious than the pretty horsey
and pretty flowers there.
Since my kids were born,
they always sleep with me.
In my bed.
Which is only 160x200cm.
It's easy to slip a 49cm baby
in the middle of me and my hubby,
but it's kinda tiring to had
a 4yrs old kiddo in the middle
all the time.
Just when we thought it's time
for my daughter to sleep in
her own room and her own bed,
(we made this very special for her),
her brother was born.
And you may imagine how her face
will turn out if we say
(however nicely),
that you cannot sleep with mommy
anymore because your brother will.
Then, we postponed the big plan
once again to move her to her own
room, she came back in my bed,
and my hubby gladly filled
the empty solo bed which is
lucky for him,sound proof
from crying baby at night.
Baby grows fast, don't you know?
And without my noticing too much
about this sleep condition,
my baby grows into 5yrs old boy.
Don't ask.
My body suffered with back pain.
I get kick almost every night.
And, sleepless mom is not pretty.
It is not.
I am also the richest mom in
the whole world,
sleep with four tiny arms wrapped
around me every night.
And the smell of my boy's sweat
that lingers, made me think of my
back pain as nothing to compare
with that precious gift.
I promise them, they can sleep
in my bed as long as they want to.
Until this one particular night.
When my back pain was so bad,
(before the pilates practices help
me much then),
I couldn't get up from bed.
My hubby said, you kids had to
move to your own bed.
And that night, they did.
I should get myself a good night
sleep that night,
with that suddenly empty space,
while in fact,
I was not get any sleep at all.
I went to their room every couple
hours to check on them,
and at my third checking time,
(probably around 3 a.m)
I cried,
and snapped this pic with agony.
Oh, God.
I am not ready.
Not tonight.
I still want to sleep beside them.
No matter silly it sounds
to have your almost 6
and almost 10 yrs old kids
sleep together with you.
I don't mind being called silly,
as long as I can get those tiny arms
and that sweat smell back.
I don't mind being called silly,
I am just not ready.
So, I lied.
I told them and to my hubby
the next day,
that my pain was gone.
Come on, kids,
let's sleep with mommy tonight.
And they did.
Those tiny arms and that smell
was back with me.
But every time I look at this pic,
my eyes get teary.
This is an almost night.
You almost had me beaten up
with cruelty to separate me
from my babies.
So I title this layout
"This is almost"
just so you ask,
almost what?
And I will tell you gladly
this sweet doilies story.
hehehe, kirain ina aja yang berat melepas aliif pergi...berat rasanya melepas bau asem tapi bikin rindu itu pergi ya mbak...hehehehehe....
suka suka suka ceritanya...
Posted by
ina |
August 8, 2010 at 3:42 AM
sampai sekarang sayapun masih mencium dahi mereka ataupun tengkuk mereka bila tengkurep tidurnya..baunya saya hafal..
berat ya jauh dari kido?..saammaa!
Posted by
Ami |
August 8, 2010 at 4:35 AM
i love your LO, awesome! just not-so-you LO, but perfecto! well done sis!
ps: oh, i still sleep with my son, someday i will feel it, when he get older and have to sleep in his own room, and when the time is come, i will be like you, crying and checking him every hour... :(
Posted by
patricekur |
August 8, 2010 at 8:38 AM
what a beautiful story to go with a beautiful layout..doilies always remind me of my birthdays as a child when my mum used to put them under all the cakes
Posted by
Lorraine |
August 8, 2010 at 11:46 AM
Teary riaaaaaaaa, have similar situation, but they're out of my room already, so jadi sediiiiiiiiiiiih, you are such a good writer ri, u really are!
Posted by
liasutra |
August 8, 2010 at 6:31 PM
Teary Riaaaaaaaaa, you are such a good writer!!! Two tumbs up!
Posted by
liasutra |
August 8, 2010 at 6:32 PM
jempol lima!
layoutnya, ceritanya, tulisannya, layoutnya, ceritanya....
Posted by
Riana Ambarsari |
August 8, 2010 at 6:53 PM
You always know how to entice your reader to read on, Ria! Love the story and the layout, of course.
And the back pain? Oh yes, I know exactly what you mean. But it's sooo worth it, no argument there. :)
Posted by
Chiquita Elaine |
August 9, 2010 at 2:34 AM
selalu bingung mau komen apa.. krn setiap selesai baca tulisan Ria, saya selalu terdiam... *hening*
Posted by
Unknown |
August 9, 2010 at 5:40 AM
dah dasarnya cengeng.. apalagi dibarengin liat oprah ttg found a long lost family.. airmata nya tambah deres...
All mothers will feel the same, would rather in pain than to loose their children, even they just move across the room.
me with 2 kids in my bed, husband on a single bed.. i think that all family solutions.. hahahaha...
Posted by
miQue |
August 9, 2010 at 7:01 PM
selalu suka sama ceritanya mba ria..bikin semangat, sedih, seneng n heppi..sukaa bangeddd mbaa :)
Posted by
Dunia Kecil |
August 11, 2010 at 1:21 AM
cried a river while reading this..
Posted by
nikenayiarini |
July 23, 2011 at 11:00 AM
jadi keinget mama yang dulu melakukan hal yang sama buat akuuhhh.. hahah.. ampe akhirnya papa tidur di extra bed (baca:kasur dadakan) karena aku tidur membentang :P
your boy and girl will not forget how you made them feel :):*
Posted by
Anonymous |
July 30, 2011 at 8:23 PM