One thing that scares me in : July
I am still doing the 'scary' thing
once a month,
as a new year resolution,
and this month,
my resolution turns out to be
scarier than that roller coaster
I saw in the Ocean Park Hongkong.
I bragged about making journaling
(together with the kids, mind you)
and take picture EVERY DAY
for a month was easy.
And interesting.
It took about seven days
to realize that this is scary.
A week taking pictures
in a "week in the life" project
was interesting.
Stretch it for a month
and you'll know what I mean.
After about a week
the excitement was evaporated
into the thin air,
we forgot to journal for days,
and tried hard to remember
what happened in our life
just two days before.
Ask my kids,
they will tell you the truth,
the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.
Fortunately the spirit
came back at the end of week two,
and I even took the papers
to Hongkong to do journal there.
And just after I thought
we begin to back on track,
my job as an interior decorator
took place in a brutal way,
two deadlines in a week,
and tons of preparation before,
made me just too dang tired
to think of this project.
Excuse me,
all I wanna do is sleep
at the end of the day.
No kidding.
today is the last day.
And I really want to wrap this
project nicely in an album,
so last night and tonight
I set aside the unfinished
'to do list' till tomorrow,
I do the catching up with
the kids' support.
(Thanks kiddo!)
So, cheers!
I finished all the pages tonight,
and all I have to do next is
print all the 31 pictures
next week, after all this madness
of decorating is done.
But so worth it.
I'll post the finished album
soon enough.
kenapa ya? kenapa!!! cuma coret-coretan aja keliatannya kereeeeen banget...
Posted by
Riana Ambarsari |
July 31, 2010 at 12:46 PM
yeah, its scary.... 31 days? a whole month? OMG, but dont worry dear, worth it to do, as you will open it someday, looking back and remember those memories... and youll glad you finish the album :)
Posted by
patricekur |
July 31, 2010 at 5:42 PM