Week in the Life 2011 - Day 4
The unthankful heart discovers no mercies;
but let the thankful heart
sweep through the day and,
as magnet finds the iron,
so it will find,
in every hour,
some heavenly blessings.
-Henry Ward Beecher-
My day four starts with sending the kids
to school, and off to the market
for 'jar hunting mission'
See those beautiful jars lining up?
I need them for my decoration work.
At the corner,
cannot pass by without taking picture of
this old man selling what we here
called 'bandros'.
Delicious simple warm cake.
Always bring me back to childhood memories
whenever I smell ones.
Pass by a small homey bakery
that sells 'healthy bread'
Pick up some banana muffin for tomorrow.
Then, office.
Next week, the fasting month is beginning here,
so, like always,
my gift wrapping business has to be ready
with boxes for hampers,
baskets, ketupat, and ribbons.
Yeah, busy making these at the office.
Invitation for lunch today from mom's group,
(I had this group gather once a month
for almost 7 years now! Such blessing)
at one new restaurant in town,
called Le Marly at Citarum street.
Turn out, this new place has AMAZING decor!
So homey....
and the food are yummy too!
I'll be back for sure with my family.
Back to the office again,
and had this typical traffic jam
on the way home.
No worries,
embrace the traffic jam with some nap,
or twitter!
(of course I am not driving! LOL)
Coming home to this view
and to this light,
this beautiful light...
Before dinner,
I manage to make these simple canvas
covering with pattern papers using gel medium
for tomorrow decoration work.
Adam is going to make a birthday card
for his daddy next month,
while the soccer game on TV was on,
he is totally leaving it.
Like this.
The game is really exciting,
our country Indonesia vs Turkmenistan.
While he is watching,
I'm making instruction sheets
for my class this Saturday,
at the dinner table near by,
and he keeps calling me.
for my class this Saturday,
at the dinner table near by,
and he keeps calling me.
"Mom, come here!"
"Mom, see! Our keeper is so good!"
"Mom, come on!"
And he explains the gol to me,
like this
And when the opponent made the gol,
this is his expression.
He said,"Oooh, come ooon!!!"
Many precious things happen today
in only a split seconds.
Some blurry seconds.
But I love it.
Super love it.
Super love it.
If I'm not in the 'Week in The Life' project,
my camera will be far away from my reach
and those moments go un-recorded.
And for that simple reason alone,
I go to sleep with big smile.
and our country wins!
and our country wins!
Night night you.
yumm, i love bandros :) btw, itu jar nya mau diapain ya? penasaran :) salam kenal.
Posted by
dunia kecil indi |
July 28, 2011 at 11:03 AM
I love your blog! Just found it, following a link from Ali Edwards Week in the life challenge and wow, how cool that you're doing this in Indonesia. I live in Europe but half my heart is in Asia as both my precious children were born there.
Love seeing your inspirational photos - thank you for sharing.
Posted by
Scrapflicka |
July 28, 2011 at 1:44 PM
hmmm..pe-er, nyari bandros kalo ke bandung..hihihihi....baru tauuu...dukdukduk..
Posted by
ina |
July 28, 2011 at 3:57 PM
nice quote :)
Posted by
emping |
July 28, 2011 at 6:15 PM
itu tampang si Adam persis sama sama tampangnya orang -orang di rumahku tadi malam.. hahhaaa....
Posted by
Super Bucit |
July 28, 2011 at 6:50 PM
wah serunya punya mamah yang super care.
ngomong-ngomong, postingan blognya ko ga bisa di next sih tan?
Posted by
Ikmalia Anindita |
July 29, 2011 at 6:47 AM
riiaaaaa,,,,,,misss yoouuuu,,,,,
Posted by
Anonymous |
July 29, 2011 at 5:18 PM