Week in the Life 2011 - Day 3
Teaching kids to count is fine,
but teaching them what counts
is best.
Back to school's day is always fun,
and hectic,
and exciting,
but mostly fun.
They knew the rules,
always pose for mommy before going.
This year I have this sixth grade girl
(yes, yes, yes, I can't believe myself)
And this young man is going to second grade.
More picture, Adam?
At the class :
And just like that,
mommy's life back to normal!
Back to the office.
New member in the office.
Audy thought the sound of bird chirping
will be relaxing at the office,
so here she is.
My order finally arrive from Jakarta's store!
Can't wait to play with new Golden paints
beeswax and foil tapes.
Lunch menu today is gudeg,
a javanese meal.
Then rush to teach a private scrapbook class.
A finished project always brings joy.
Stopping by the bakery on the way home.
Then, finally,
after two days waiting for my husband
to come home from out-of-town's work,
I can have this shot.
This is my and my son's fav time of the day.
Story telling.
This week we read from 'Dongeng Nusantara'
cause I want Adam to know more stories
from Indonesian culture.
Tonight is "Keong Emas" story,
and Audy got this amazing pic of my hand
imitating the snail (keong).
Really heart this one.
Hope your day 3 is full of fun too!
See you tomorrow.
mba riaaa, saya semakin ingin ikutan #weekinlife nyaaa :D tapi kamera masih blm memadai :(
keren mbak. salut !
Posted by
Middy Stephanie |
July 27, 2011 at 10:37 AM
keren banget Ri ..... :)
Posted by
Uyin |
July 27, 2011 at 6:47 PM
in love with the way how you took all the picts
Godspeed :)
Posted by
emping |
July 27, 2011 at 8:34 PM
Great pictures! How lovely to see what you are doing in Indonesia sitting here at my kitchen table in England!!:)
Posted by
Linda |
July 28, 2011 at 5:15 AM
Your writing is simple yet inspirational. Thank you for sharing. Neat to see what life looks like for you in Indonesia while my life is in Washington State.
Posted by
Dani |
July 28, 2011 at 5:30 AM
Love the pictures of the kids getting ready for school. I live in Ohio. It's so fun to see pictures from other parts of the world!
Posted by
MandyJoyLoves♥ |
July 28, 2011 at 6:02 AM
I love the quote you used today.
Posted by
debs2107 |
July 28, 2011 at 6:05 AM
i am really enjoying seeing your week. i like seeing
how it is similar and different. what a lovely companion to have in the office! we're always happy to have daddy home too.
Posted by
Joy |
July 28, 2011 at 11:50 AM
Ria... what kind of camera are you using actually. loves the color tone, and the angle - well pretty much everything from your pics. well done :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
July 31, 2011 at 8:19 AM