Posted by Ria on October 6, 2010 at 10:38 AM |Permalink
Riaaaa....semoga suksezzzzz yaaa...semoga ngga hujan..(katanya: lempar bumbu dapur ke atas genteng) jadi banyak yg datang...barang dagangannya lariz manizz.. ludes muah... en dapat repeat order yg buanyaaakkk...=DDD Sorry ya, ngga bisa dateng =( Send my prayer for you ok!! mmmuaahhh2
I am a woman who fell in love with papers and words long enough before with boys. Therefore, scrapbooking, writing, reading, and art journaling are just things that complete me. I live happily in Bandung, Indonesia, with my husband, Audy Kusnadjaja, and 2 adorable kids adore me. Isn't life sweet?
Be careful while going inside my home here. Your clothes may gets stain if you happen to walk by my still wet canvas, or stumbled upon our piles of books everywhere, and come out with a scrap paper sticking to your shoes.
But I promise you, you'll enjoy the time spending here.
Tea or coffee?
Riaaaa....semoga suksezzzzz yaaa...semoga ngga hujan..(katanya: lempar bumbu dapur ke atas genteng) jadi banyak yg datang...barang dagangannya lariz manizz.. ludes muah... en dapat repeat order yg buanyaaakkk...=DDD Sorry ya, ngga bisa dateng =( Send my prayer for you ok!! mmmuaahhh2
Posted by
October 7, 2010 at 1:57 AM
Already mark my calendar Mba.. will be come dan menikmati kota Bandung sejenak...
Sukses Mbaa... See yaaa ^.^
Posted by
dhiestanatalia |
October 7, 2010 at 10:14 AM