Maybe you should judge a book by its cover.
Judging a book by its cover is good.
Well, sometimes.
Especially when the cover
is handmade with love.
Like this.
These 7 gypsies blank book covers
were making me giddy with excitement
when I found them.
All I have to do was
embellish the cover
All I have to do was
embellish the cover
and make harmonica's pages
from white Canson acid free papers
for the inside,
where you can journal, doodle,
or stick your pics
till your heart content.
These are 9x14cm.
I still have some bigger covers,
14x18cm, which I plan to
embellish this week.
Uh, can't wait...
Last weekend,
I finished these covers too :
I finished these covers too :
You may remember these albums
from this post last week.
I loveee the texture
that I can feel with my fingers
for the albums.
Limited stocks, dear ones,
so grab it fast at the event
once you see it.
When it's gone, it's gone.
speaking about the book's cover,
I managed to finished
these 17x23cm journals cover:
after the whole night
playing and covering my hands
with gel medium.
I am thinking to put a metal key
somewhere on the cover later.
Maybe a quote too.
And of course,
filling the inside pages with
more papers and materials
that will delight the soul.
I'll be back soon enough.
awesome!!! hope in the next post you'll share a map of Pasar Seni with the exact location of your stand, so we (read: I) can run there as fast as I can, first thing in the morning..=D
- start jongkok dari sekarang ah...hueheheheheh..
Posted by
Anonymous |
September 21, 2010 at 8:07 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Posted by
Riana Ambarsari |
September 21, 2010 at 8:15 PM
They'll be mine soon. wait for me, kids.
Posted by
Riana Ambarsari |
September 21, 2010 at 8:16 PM
Ri, ngelihatnya bangeddd!!! *_*
Posted by
September 22, 2010 at 12:21 AM
hi mbak, mau tanya, beli gel medium dmn ya dan brp hrgnya? gel medium itu utk lapisin kertas yg gak acid free khan ya? cara penggunaannya gmn ya mbak?^^ thanks mbak
Posted by
Unknown |
September 28, 2010 at 8:23 PM