Open up albums
My next project
for PASAR SENI ITB next month
is these simple open up albums
-at the photo above-
which inspired by
my kid's story book :
which will be like these
when it is open :
Interesting, right?
So I made very limited number
of 6x6 albums from my newest choice
of paper line to die for
cause I seem to shocked Shirley
at Laines, when I grabbed
the whole stock of this
Conservatory-7 gypsies- stack papers
into my shopping cart.
(Sorry, dear!)
My album will be looking
like these when opened :
like these when opened :
And I will finished the cover
later next week,
with some extra effort
to make a sample of
fully finished album
to show it at the event.
(You just have to come
to see it, dear....)
This kind of open up album
actually was triggered by
Colette's wonderful carousel album
which she kindly taught us
how to do it in one sitting time
few weeks ago.
But of course that carousel album
will be too time consuming to make
for selling at the event.
for selling at the event.
So I just made much much simple
version of it.
You can see her album here.
I have to get back to my owls.
They can't wait to be finished
and posted here too!