Boeatan Bandoeng Bagus bagus
"Boeatan Bandung Bagus Bagus"
is my T-shirt store's name.
For more than two years
me and my partners and staff
are busy thinking of
many kinds of icon of our hometown,
Bandung, from food to street's name,
from Sundanese's saying to jokes,
and make them into T-shirt,
bags, pins, stickers,
anything that you can bring home
from Bandung as an 'oleh-oleh'
or souvenir of our beloved city.
This week,
the store is officially
move to a bigger place.
Still at the same mall, PVJ
-Paris Van Java-
beside ATM Bank Mandiri.
Hope you can drop by here
whenever you have a chance
to visit Bandung, my beautiful city,
and bring home
one (or two, or three)
of these,
This is the saying
above the main door.
If you are Indonesian,
you should be laughing by now.
Here are my staff
having fun with the new display
outside the store.
And here are all of us,
took a rest after all the jobs done,
inside Warung Talaga restaurant
that we decorated last week.
good luck for the new premises for your shop..looks fun
Posted by
Lorraine |
June 17, 2010 at 2:15 PM
selamat yah bu atas tokonya, semoga makin sukses..
Posted by
Dian |
June 20, 2010 at 6:49 PM
definitely will stop by next time i visit Bandung!! dan insya ALlah... akan berada di jalan yang benar... amin.. *ngusep muka*
Posted by
Riana Ambarsari |
June 22, 2010 at 12:40 AM