Drum roll please........
Are you ready?
For you scrappers (or not)
who missed my "Our Journey" class
but drooled over the kits.....
which value is more than 500.000IDR,
crossed your finger.........
cause i will pick ONE person
who will receive this one kit+suitcase!!!
This kit is my first give away
of the blog-versary...
and all you have to do is
leave comment at this post
(one comment for each person, thank you)
to let me know how much you want it.
You can check out
how this kit transform into
a beautiful travel album,
Even if you don't have blog,
just leave comment with your name
and your email address
so I can contact you if you win.
so anywhere you are,
just drop a comment here
and I'll put your name in the drawing
by the end of this month
together with other give aways.
Thank you....
Happy blog-versary! The blog that inspires many people and me too. Hugs from here, sis!
Posted by
Lina |
June 7, 2010 at 6:28 AM
Happy Blog-versary Ria! That album and kitlooks soooooooo great! Hope to catch up with you again soon ya?
Posted by
Jasmine |
June 7, 2010 at 6:51 AM
Ria, you inspired me so much.
I always love to see your blog. But sorry never leave a comment before. (I know, it's like go into somebody house without say hello :p).
Anyway, when I move to Adelaide, I should depend on your blog to learn more about scrapbooking. Hope you don't mind and I really don't mind to be the "KIT WINNER" :D.
Happy Blog-Versary......
Posted by
June 7, 2010 at 7:39 AM
Happy Blog Versary yah Cie.... This is the first time I am commet at your blog. Selama ini cuma jadi pembaca gelap aja. Walaupun belum mahir dalam dunia per "scrapbbok"an, bahkan untuk level intermediate pun belum nyampe, tp ngences banget ama kit yg satu ini. Tp I BELIEVE (spt tema next class yg akan aku ikuti) aku akan bisa bikin album OUR JOURNEY ini someday.....
-Liem Tjien-
Posted by
Liem Tjien |
June 7, 2010 at 7:48 AM
Happy Blog-aversary!!! Here's to many many more! I have to commend you a great blog full of inspirational art projects, scrapping projects and life as we live day to day projects. I think that all your class project & products are beautifully done and so full of details.Oh how I love glorious details! I love how you present them in their own mini suitcases, I love the inclusion of the unexpected and I love how everyone in your classes make a full effort by dressing in colors that match the theme and the thought bubbles are such a FUN photo prop, I love it! I am excited by the prospect of being eligible to win such a awesome prize but truth be told your posts are prize enough, they are truly very inspirational and give me ideas on projects I want to do. Thanks.
Posted by
Bonafyde |
June 7, 2010 at 8:22 AM
mbariaaa mbariaaa :)
happy happy happy happy..
home-versary.. :)
3 years already..
your home inspired people,, me indeed..
so homiiee..:D
big thankssss mba riaa.
Posted by
devimphie |
June 7, 2010 at 9:16 AM
Congrats!! Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway!!
Posted by
Myrna |
June 7, 2010 at 9:25 AM
Woohooo..happy blog-versary mbak riaaa!!! always enjoy ur blog, never miss ur updated posts!!! Start blogging because i fell in love with ur blog, start loving to scrap because of your wonderful projects. Please oh please.. Keep blogging and scrapping. Let the world inspired!
Posted by
Fetriana |
June 7, 2010 at 10:18 AM
pick me pick me...*berusaha keras untuk tidak histeris*
Posted by
ina |
June 7, 2010 at 4:06 PM
huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu...*nangissambilpeluk2*..dakyuuuuuuu mau mbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Satu kehormatan banget bisa dapet hadiah dari masternya scapper indonesia..
bikin minialbum dulu ah sambil nunggu konfirmasi dari siempunya blog :D
Happy anniversary..muah muah muah
Posted by
Dian |
June 7, 2010 at 6:44 PM
Happy Blog-versary mba Riii !
walopun baru akan ketemu mba ri for the first time tanggal 19 June nanti, dari kemarin kemarin aku udah over excited. I think this new scrapbooking (scrapbooking + that basic painting mba *hahaha teteepp*) thingy will definitely change my life . hopefully i'll find my last journey on scrapbooking, thanks to youuu!
Posted by
Dee |
June 7, 2010 at 7:10 PM
Yay for an anniversary; congratulations on the continued blogging! The kit looks fabulous - I would use it to scrap about the trip my husband and I are planning once I've graduated from my master's program!
Posted by
A'n'G Johnson |
June 7, 2010 at 7:40 PM
Do I want this? Seriously,Ria, do you even need to ask? Of course I do!! (drool alert drool alert).
Happy blog-versary! Keep on blogging, it's always fun to visit your blog, I find new & exciting things on your blog every single time.
Posted by
Chiquita Elaine |
June 7, 2010 at 8:26 PM
Oooo...that kit looks like fun! I am always amazed at what you are doing. Thanks for having a blog and happy blog-versary!
Posted by
Cassy |
June 7, 2010 at 8:28 PM
Ria, Congrats dear!! Wish you the very best for the upcoming yearss."Our JOurney" is one of the best class ever!!!!
Posted by
June 7, 2010 at 8:28 PM
Bwahahaha.... Ibu Ria Nirwana.... how i'd die to get that kit....seriously....!!!
..........eeeerrrrrrrrrrr........ on second thought, jangan deh, kalo beneran "lewat", tar pas kit nya nyampe (gr mode on) ga bisa menikmati....
Tapi sebenarnya nih ya, menurutku scrapbooking itu efeknya negatif. banget....
at least pengalaman pribadi nih: (1) sejak kenal scrapbooking, aku suka merasa mati lemas kalau melihat patterned papers yang lucu, embellies yang imut... pita-pita warna-warni... please deh... cuma kertas dan kain gitu...
(2)kadang baru membalik-balik majalah creating keepsakes terbaru (and the like) saja rasanya udah giddy with excitement. padahal baru lihat majalah doang... and i can't control my giggles in the newsstand or bookstore whenever i come accross any reading materials with scrapbooking topics. memalukan...
(3) belum lagi pas akhir bulan hitung-hitungan, tagihan kartu kredit membengkak.... dompet makin tipis.... karena kunjungan yang berulang kali ke scrap stores
(4) berulang kali berjanji pada diri sendiri, kalau masuk toko scrapbook hanya beli seperlunya... tapi pulang-pulang membeli barang sebanyak yang diperlukan (untuk enam bulan mendatang)....
(5) bela-belain liburan ke negeri orang, pulang overbaggage karena beli border punchers, stamps dan segala perkakas perang lainnya...
kalau makin direnung-renungkan i can go on and on and on...
BUT it does not stop me from wanting (no - make that coveting, yearning for, craving your kit BADLY anyway.... *wink-wink... inga'-inga' jo pa kita....*
happy blogversary, Ria... your blog is like my oasis, where i can get the latest scoops in scrapping techniques, preview some of the result of your works (and become more inferior day after day after comparing your works with mine - which is so... ok... next topic please)...
your blog shows how humble and über creative you are and meeting you in person confirms that *hugs*
keep up the good work and wish you more blogversaries to come...
reading your blog, taking your class and shopping in your outlets have given me new experiences (and upgrade my skills - just a bit) and "meet up" new friends via bloghopping. if it wasn't through links in your blogs, i wouldn't have discovered the marvelous lineup of indonesian scrapbookers who always amaze me with their intricate and beautiful layouts.
wish you all the success with BagusBagus and keep inspiring people like me :)
Posted by
Dina Middin |
June 7, 2010 at 9:26 PM
Happy blog anniversary jeng Ria, you have been inspired me and others..
First time, I bought scrapbook materials and tools at your first store in Bandung, since then till now... I always searching those scrapbooks stores when I traveled to Australia, Paris, Singapore, anywhere I go... my first searching to directory street is scrapbook stores ;-)
I am addicted to all materials, included cute buttons and ribbons...
If I got your gift, I will be very happy to put all my travel memories to that cute box album... indeed.. I will sign up the class but you said it was full.... hikkksss...
This is my second chance to get... but is this my luck? ;-) Only you can judge it... hehehehe...
Once again happy blog-versary, and don't forget to upload your creativity and inspire me and others....
Posted by
Anonymous |
June 7, 2010 at 10:44 PM
Ci...congrats on your blog-versary!! Your blog is really inspiring..
and yes I'm soooo in looooovvvveeeee with this kit.. *cat in boots' big eyes mode on* hehehe...
anyway, thanks Ci for sharing so much.. Best success and may all your (scrapbook) dreams come true ;o)
Posted by
Unknown |
June 8, 2010 at 12:45 AM
Ria...happy blog-versary dear...
Blognya buagus..isinya, idenya, foto2nya, U banget gitu lho...
Baca Blogmu seperti aku bilang di komen sebelumnya..kita benar2 serasa berkunjung ke homey...
about the kit...hanya aku dan Tuhan yang tahu..betapa ngecesnya lihat that tools..xi3x!
Posted by
Ami |
June 8, 2010 at 1:58 AM
Ria, happry blogversary ya...
Saya mah belum kesampean bikin blog, blum bisa ngurusnya nih.
Tapi rajin deh ngeliat blog yang ini, sekalian cari ide.
Baru baca komentar yang di atas-atas....lucu-lucu deh...terutama yang bilang hobi scrapbooking malah banyak negatifnya.
Sama dengan saya dong, tapi negatif yang menyenangkan hati deh....
Liat kit yang Travel, jadi penasaran pengen nyobain....sekalian bisa eksplor media nih.
Sekarang lagi pengen bikin komunitas scrapbooker on a budget (termasuk saya sendiri)...walaupun tiap masuk toko scrapbook langsung histeris setiap liat pattern paper sama embellish yang vintage.
Duh, nasib punya hobi yang menyenangkan buat mata, hati dan pikiran ya.
Makasih buat Ria yang udah ngebukain jalan buat kita yang punya bibit kegilaan sama kertas dan embellish sampai bisa jadi scrapbooker sejati....hihihih
Posted by
methoughts |
June 8, 2010 at 5:55 AM
Mba Ria..Mau Mauu..I love the Kit vuery much
and Happy 3rd Blogversary
Is there no 2,3,4..Giveaway ? Can't wait!
Posted by
Dewie Rha |
June 8, 2010 at 7:25 AM
congratulations ria, blog on and happy crafting...hugs
Posted by
colette |
June 8, 2010 at 10:00 AM
happy blog-versary ! :) happy for u dear....
Posted by
patricekur |
June 8, 2010 at 4:56 PM
happy blog-versary! :D
you gave me so much inspiration not just how to do art, but also what to do with life.
Posted by
Peanuts |
June 8, 2010 at 7:59 PM
great blog, great kit, great travel album!!
Posted by
mely |
June 9, 2010 at 2:58 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Posted by
mely |
June 9, 2010 at 2:58 AM
ikutan aaahhh... dulu pernah ikut kelas buat kalender '09 kamu di SK (skrg MSI)... giveaway nya mantep banget....:) Thanks for the chance!
Posted by
joVita m. |
June 9, 2010 at 5:34 AM
Happy aniversary...keep blogging yaa...
Posted by
Caroline Najoan |
June 9, 2010 at 5:50 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Posted by
Riana Ambarsari |
June 9, 2010 at 10:05 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Posted by
Riana Ambarsari |
June 9, 2010 at 10:10 AM
Jah! How can I compete with all these comments? Adding a desperate one to the pile? And now you'll be thinking that I comment only because I want the kit. Which is true, ha-ha. Kidding.
I'll be as brutally honest as can be.
First of all, when I knew you were gonna have this class, first thing came to my mind was Singapore. Not only that it is always my favorite place to go, the country i fell in love with, felt home with, but also because i've built the album of it, on my flickr, complete with the story attached already! The journal was there, i wrote everything from scratch. The photos were ready, I handpicked them and edited one by one. I never realized I actually made an album, only without embellishment or laces or any other pretty stuff I had no access to. So I had the ammunition prepared. Ready to shoot. When I found out Singapore was your choice too, that's it. Fate. Destiny. Can't run away.
Second of all, i had been face to face with the kit a couple of times. When I first saw it being sold at your outlet, I couldn't help but gasping and touching it, rocking it in my hand back and forth like a baby in a cradle. Hoping someday I'll be her mother and giving birth to a wonderful album containing my splendid singapore. I did it again afterward, everytime I stopped by your outlet. She and I, we know each other already by heart.
Third of all. Now that I get your undivided attention, I should give you a really good reason why the kit should go to me. An ace card.
So I bake the best fudgy chocolate chips cookies ever! Think of that the next time you're sitting in your office, needing a nosh with your computer. If the kit goes to me, you could have a tall tower of homemade chocolate chips cookies! (..and the best one). A little bribery won't hurt, huh? *or I just sent my chance directly into trash bin. heck, i'll take the risk*
Besides, no one else cares enough to throw such crap :)
*and no one else edited the comment three times*
Happy blogversary, Ria. You are my Yoda. Only, of course, a million times prettier.
Posted by
Riana Ambarsari |
June 9, 2010 at 10:13 AM
Ria, I have confessions to make...
I have read this blog religiously ever since the first time I stumbled upon in from Mr Google, but too shy to leave any comments or even say hi.
Ria, another confession..
When I saw the banner for the "Our Journey" class, I really wanted to join. But I backed out because I thought I was not expert enough to join an advanced class.
Another confession..
I push myself to join your next class, so I can meet you in person and learn some scrappy tricks from the master..
Ria, you inspired me for so many things without you even realize it and I couldn't thank you enough for that.
Keep on blogging!!
Posted by
fany |
June 9, 2010 at 8:18 PM
Happy blog-versay, my dear... More passion, more creative, never stop to share yr ideas with us... XOXO
Posted by
Arumdati Wardhani |
June 10, 2010 at 6:40 AM
wooohooo Ria..happy blog-versary sweet heart!
you have already inspired me a lot with your blog..and I'm truly blessed to know you personally...
keep on posting, keep on inspiring, keep on sharing..
keep on SHINING dear..!
Posted by
suryanti halim |
June 10, 2010 at 5:39 PM
Happy Blog-versary...Mba'Ria..
N thank u for your visit to my blog also..
I love your blog...honestly..:-)
Posted by
Zaidinil Khusna (Dina) |
June 11, 2010 at 2:00 PM
Hello Mrs. Ria Nirwana.
Pertama kali tahu blog ini dari peralatan scrapbook yang super lucu yang mbak jual. Di kemasannya ada quote yang aku sukaa banget
"what made by your hands come from your heart". Aku langsung semangat buat bikin mini scrapbook, hadiah anniversary yang ke-4 buat pacarku. Quote itu kaya spell yang bisa boost my mood for making an incredible gift for my boyfriend.
This blog is really inspired me.
Buat mbak Ria. Happy blog anniversary! Semoga blog ini bisa lebih "meracuni" pikiran orang2 dengan cute ribbon, patterned paper, etc.
Mille bises...
*udah ngidam berat nih kit-nya. Maklum mahasiswa, budget tuk hobi gak banyak. Kalo dikasi gak bakalan nolak. ;p
Posted by
aisha |
June 13, 2010 at 5:52 AM
Mba Ria,
Happy Blog-Versary...
Mudah2an aq yang dapet ya...doain ya...hihihihi...
hugs and kisses,
Posted by
Momelly's |
June 15, 2010 at 10:03 PM
Hello Ria, how are you ?
Its been quite a while, since I visited your blog. This is the second time, after this morning I looked at those pictures taken at one of your classes.
All the happy faces are sooooo ... what should I say? They are sooooo HAPPY. Thats it.
They look so happy, that I am curious what actually they are doing...
So I found out they were all so happy playing with papers and everything that you prepare for them.
I personally never thought that scrapping could or would make a different. But this morning when I saw all the faces, I know , that simple act, doing something with your hand and with your heart with people who share the same liking,
is indeed could make a different.
When is your next class ? Do you have any plan to have one in Bali ?
Please let me know, I would like to join.
All the best, margaretha
Posted by
Anonymous |
June 20, 2010 at 6:49 PM
Dear all,
the comments are closed tonight with 38 comments but only 35 people will be include in the drawing tomorrow because one person was double posting and one person was triple posting :)
Thank you all!
Posted by
Ria |
June 25, 2010 at 10:30 AM