She is our Mom
Now I understand
How you could never be sick
How you didn't have much time for yourself
How you sacrificed your time for us
And why we always come first
Now I understand
How you can worry so muchHow you hold your breath when we hurt ourselves
How you would take our pain if you could
And the relief when we get better
Now I understand
How you try and do your bestHow they are no rules to follow except your heart
How to give unselfishly
And how to love unconditionally
Now I understand
How much power we had as kidsHow easy it was to hurt you
How we took advantage of your love
And how you can keep giving regardless
I know it must have been hard for you
And I understand how lucky I am
to have had you as my example
You are a fantastic mom
And if I can do half as well as you did
I'll have succeeded.

Did it last night on Hambly screenprints that always bring delight to any project. Here I hang it so you can see it through.
Yes, I had two brothers actually! My other brother was not here last month when this picture taken, but this is the recent pic of my mom and I really want to use it. (sorry,bro! :))
To you all mom in the world,
Happy Mother's Day!
When I count my blessings,
When I count my blessings,
I always count my Mom twice.
So wonderful, so touching!! I'm happy that my mom is here :)Happy mother's day ..
Posted by
Herlina |
May 10, 2009 at 8:10 AM
Posted by
patricekur |
May 12, 2009 at 5:46 PM