The more precious ones
After I finished up my painting until almost dawn, I left it in the living room. In the morning, when the kids are preparing to go to school without me, they saw it. Then, today I go to work as usual, and when I'm back at the evening, I find these on the floor.
I have the biggest grin in my face.
Is there any doubt they are my child?
Then Adam run to me to show off all the birds that he made :
(I do the lining up, he just happy to scatter all of them on the floor)

The most famous : The Owl (burung hantu)

The Fire Bird (burung api) :

The Cockatoo Bird (Burung kakaktua) :

The Bee Bird ( Burung lebah) :

I don't have a clue what kind of bird it is, but he wrote : Itugan , so.... The Itugan Bird it is....

The Pretty Bird (Burung cantik) :

Again, I don't have a clue. The Ligan Bird. And he wrote : My favorite (kesukaan Adam) :
For me, these are more precious than my own painting.
Far more precious.
Not because I adore their paintings (as always) and keep most of them, but because I, in a simple way, can become their inspiration.
Not because I am their mom.
Not because I told them to draw like mine.
But simply, because I gave another human being a spark.
And to add the icing on the cake, Adam whispered," Mom, I loveee all your bird!"
Oh, boy, I loveee your birds thousand times more...
Kak Ria.. you do have adorable children. :D this blog article is my favorite
happy weekend ^__^
Posted by
Vinna |
May 8, 2009 at 12:12 AM