I am so cannot remember
when was the last time I made 12x12 layout
only for myself.
And to tell you the truth
this one still IS NOT only for myself,
I made it couple days before, as sample
for a private class here in Bandung.
But still,
it's simple and I am back to 12x12.
Inspiration for it struck me
when I saw this layout on the mag,
by Lucy Edson
I love her palette of color selection,
and all her pages looks simple,
yet striking. |
It reminds me instantly to the theory
of color proportion for scrapbook
that I read zillion times in
Her writing still make me smile till today
and her theories are tried and true.
Then it reminds me that I haven't got the chance
to pass on this color proportion theory
to many beginner scrappers,
so I decided to make this layout.
The theory is go like this :
( I copy it directly from Cathy's book
since she described it perfectly)
How much of each color you use on your pages
can greatly or subtly alter their effect.
A great rule of thumb for creating layouts
with color balance
is the gallon/pint/ounce approach.
The dominant color is the gallon amount.
This color is frequently the main background
cardstock/paper in your layout.
The secondary color is the pint amount.
Use this to create journaling blocks,
or smaller areas of background.
The accent color, the ounce amount,
could be as simple as some embellishments,
or the mats you place around your photos.
That simple.
For my layout above,
The gallon color is pink.
The pint color is brown.
The ounce color is turquoise.
Make sense, right?
Each color have its different portion/job,
without clashing or competing with each other.
But wait,
the smart Lucy Edson's page
still have one more theory
which made her layout really really caught
my eyes the minute I opened the mag.
The magic number three's theory.
For this one, I opened again Cathy's book
and read this :
Repeating an element three times is optimum.
Odd numbers of elements have slightly
more energy than even numbers.
Think of the difference between
symmetrical(formal, stable), and
asymmetrical( informal, energized).
This also applies to the number of times
an element is repeated.
And if you put them in a visual triangle,
it will have more impact.
A visual triangle is when you place
three elements on a page,
and they form a triangular relationship
to one another.
Lucy made her red flowers as a visual triangle,
the same I did with my turquoise accents.
You can imagine
if the accents were put differently,
maybe in some linear or rectangle form,
the effect will not be so dramatic.
It's simple and doable, right?
Of course you don't need to apply it
to every pages,
but when someone asked me what will make
a layout stand out from the others,
I had always always gave them these theory
as part of the answer.
Some details from my layouts :
Specific title about the subject
and simple journaling
Don't forget to add texture.
Playing with gesso and gel medium
to give my layout personal touch
is a habit. A healthy habit.
The date.
Or only month and year will be sufficient too.
When I put the date here,
I closed my eyes,
Gosh, where are those two years time flies?
Hope today's post will give you
something useful when you scrap next time.
See you soon!