A time for reflection
You have to take time
to live.
Living takes time.
Eleanor Mc.Brown
In the middle of my chaos agenda, I really tried hard to find some times for my own to reconnect with my inner spirit.
Either escape for one hour (OK, may be two hours) to a book store, take a nap (yes, a nap can cure almost everything bad in your day), or as you see, I escape to BALI.
Hm..... just think of the word BALI, and my soul lifted a several degree from happy to thrill.
I don't discover how that things work, but I guess, because when you're in Bali, everything going slower. The walk, the talking, the smell, the view. That what I enjoy most.
I enjoy slowing down in life to see what have I done, what have I achieved, and get refreshed.
I enjoy when you can wear short pants without anyone starring at you.
I enjoy not to tried to pleased everybody around me.
I enjoy BALI. Period.
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August 15, 2020 at 9:12 PM