August 2009 - Life Project
Imagine for a moment what your life would be if you didn't have memories. Each moment would be unconnected to the next. We, scrapbookers, fight with this fear of lossing memory every single day. Cause we know deep in our heart, that memory is the critical brain function that connects us to a meaningful life.
Found this book months ago during my trip, I had many pleasures searching all kinds of challenge that will charge your memory. One of them (and the easy one) is to imagine what are the connection of the things in front of you with the memory you had in your brain. The things in front of you can be a sentence ( When I say animal, you think......when I say love, you think.....) or smells (fresh-cut grass, baby powder, cigarette smoke....), or colors......which exercise we tried to do last week in our home.
It's quite simple. We try to recall what in our memory when we specifically look at one color. So, I gather some supplies :
(I happen to had this old paint sample that my office didn't use anymore. But, you can have it from Ace Hardware or any hardware store that sell paint, or paint the chart yourself with watercolors, or from any color/scrap paper you had.)
The point is not to make as many color as you can recall, but is to really recall the memory you had about that color.



And I will keep these chart for sure.
Do you notice that Adam have 4 kinds of yellow in his chart?
Nadea surprises me when she wrote 'starbuck cookies' in her chart.
I am not surprise with anything in my chart, but then Dea said she loves my chart so much because my chart is include her name and Adam's name. Cute, huh? I don't think that small detail will make her happy, but it did.
And if you wonder the green color in Audy's chart that said 'pass'....don't try too hard....he said, "I don't like this color, so I just call it 'pass'..."
Told you it was fun.