April comes to an end.
And as I sit back and grab a journal to write about anything that come across my mind, I realized that I already passed 30 days of being an independent scrapbooker, not attached to the store and anything related to that. Just being a real scrapbooker like I used to be.
They always say that the first month of healing a broken thing is always the hardest (broken heart, marriage, relationship, bad habit, illness, after surgery...you name it)
I am happy.
Even when (of course...) it feels odd from time to time. But as a person who love to stay at home doing things, I feel that deleting teaching trips to Jakarta really soothing my body and my soul in a good way. I become more attach to my family's activities because I am not suffering from fatigue badly. And with a good condition, I learn so many new things.
Here I share some with you :
I learn the enjoyment of staying still.
Many had asked, "What will you do next?" (And I'm sure the question will keep on coming to me for quite some time) Many offering had came also. New store. New teaching place. But then, I think I will pause for a while. The calm is descending, and wow this feels nice.
Learn to pause....
or nothing worthwhile will catch up to you.
Doug King
I know now that cancer cells are living from sugar. Substitute sugar with honey and keep it in small dosage will help you to prevent your body from harm.
Ignore your inner wisdom at your peril.
When you know someone is toxic for you, step out of the path of their venom. Let in only those whose company leaves you energized. See and heed the signs early.
I believe when I let go of something, it is only a part of God's preparation for me to receive the next thing that will be happen in my universe. And the answer came two weeks ago, our next big thing turn out to be our dream house! Oh, Thank God. The change to have it serendipitously fallen into our hands and we could not be happier. How can I be sad when I can have my own scrap room, my daughter can have a dog she dream for years, my husband can have his painting studio, and my son can have a large play room? We will be moving in just in time for Christmas. Nice plan? You bet.
We also used the chance to pause for 'a couple retreat' one week after Easter. God's plan is always magical, don't you agree? And I learn so much about relationship with my husband and my kids from there. Really good one.
I really learn to listen to what my kids are saying. It sometimes different from what I think they are saying.
I learn how to live a greener life, one step of a time. If you say one person can't make too much difference, well, you wrong.
A good sleep can be achieved not by quantity of hours, but the quality of the resting mind.(Thank you, mba Dhani....for the help from 'sarang semut')
I learn that you can put down your anger just like you put down your scissor on the table.
You don't have to carry it on with you all the time.
It's really up to you. (Thank's Shasa for sharing!)
I learn many new things about life and art from other artist's perpective through their blogs. I may bore you by saying this so many times, but really, life is too short. Don't do things that won't be matter to you or your loved ones in long term. And the wisdom to know the difference between which things are and are not will knocks to you slowly each time. If only you listen.
There are so many gems hidden in our world
if we just slow down enough to experience them.
Ali Edwards